After the main defense line was broken, the 2nd division retreated to the VT-line while fighting delaying action. The 7th infantry regiment with reinforcements was stationed to Siiranmäki by the 16th of June. Siiranmäki, a small village of Kivennapa, was a small hilly area where four roads connected and it dominated the surrounding landscape.
Soviet troops started already during the night of 13th of June an attack towards Siiranmäki.The attacks continued the whole day but those were repulsed by artillery fire and counterattacks. The same was repeated on the next day. Soviet troops attacked with the support from artillery, tanks and air support. In the afternoon, attacking troops with tanks were able to break through at the hilltop in Siiranmäki. The hilltop was recaptured temporarily but soon Soviet tanks reclaimed it.
During the night, Soviets brought in a new division to spearhead the attack. However, the attempts to enlarge the breakthrough were unsuccessful. Before noon, the Finns still tried to make a counterattack. The Finnish air force bombed the hilltop in Siiranmäki and artillery fired fiercely to the same spot. The counterattack with three detachments still failed due to heavy Soviet fire.
The Soviets brought in even more troops to Siiranmäki hilltop and were able to enlarge the breakthrough. With a fierce counterattack, the Soviet troops were beaten back, and by the evening of the 15th of June the defensive positions from the previous morning had been re-established. In the morning, the defense positions were rearranged. During the day, the Soviet offensive ran out of steam to continue the advance. When the VT-line broke in the Western Isthmus, the 7th infantry regiment received new orders on the evening of the 16th of June to fall back to the VKT-line in the rear. The first defensive victory had been achieved.
In the battle of Siiranmäki, the Finns were for the first time successful in stopping the Soviet advance. The commander of the 7th infantry regiment, lieutenant colonel Adolf Ehrnrooth, was convinced by the idea that a counterattack never comes too early. Repeated artillery strikes, strong defense will, effective use of anti-tank weapons and courageous leadership enabled the defense to succeed. The battle of Siiranmäki prevented the Soviets from enlarging their breakthrough in the Western Isthmus and it bought time to bring in reinforcements from North of Ladoka.
Efter att huvudställningarna hade brutits igenom retirerade 2. Divisionen till VT-ställningen och uppehöll fienden. Infanteriregemente 7. (IR 7) med förstärkningar omgrupperades i Siiranmäki-området den 12 juni. Siiranmäki, en liten by i Kivennapa, var ett högt kuperat område där korsningen av fyra vägar dominerade den omgivande terrängen.
De sovjetiska trupperna inledde sitt anfall mot Siiranmäki redan på natten den 13 juni. Anfallen fortsatte under hela dagen, men slogs tillbaka av artilleri och motanfall. Nästa dag hände samma sak igen. Fienden anföll med tungt artilleri och stöddes av sina stridsvagnar och sitt flyg. På eftermiddagen bröt angriparen med pansar igenom vid Siiranmäkis högsta punkt. Vid midnatt erövrades åsen för en kort stund men snart var fiendens pansar åter på plats.
På natten förde Sovjet fram en ny division i spetsen för anfallet. Försöken att utvidga genombrottet slogs dock tillbaka. Under förmiddagen gjordes ännu ett nytt försök till motanfall. Flygvapnet bombarderade Siiranmäki-slätten och artilleriet sköt en häftig spärreld. Anfallet med tre anfallsgrupper stoppades dock av fiendens eldgivning.
Fienden förde upp fler trupper till toppen av Siiranmäki och kunde gradvis utvidga genombrottet. Genom en häftig motattack besegrades fienden och på kvällen den 15 juni hade morgonens försvarslinje återställts. Under de tidiga morgontimmarna omgrupperades försvaret. Under dagen ebbade fiendens offensiva styrka ut. Efter att ha brutit VT-ställningen på västra karelska näset fick IR 7 order om att dra sig bort från sina ställningar mot den bakre VKT-linjen på kvällen den 16 juni. Den första avvärjningssegern hade uppnåtts.